We need bloggers!
Want to see your article here? We are brand new and looking for volunteer blog writers who might be interested in contributing articles to this website. Want some experience or to write about the things/events that excite you within Cincinnati? Perhaps you love concerts or eating out and want to write about it documenting your travels? Going to school for journalism and want to gain a little experience to help you get a job once you get out of school? We are looking for anyone who is interested in writing that can help contribute exciting articles.
We are new and don’t have income yet, so this is why we are looking for volunteers. If you contribute to our blog you can gain valuable experience and we will also allow you to promote your own website/products through your articles in a tasteful way on occasion. Contribute to this resource and we will help you in any way we can help back. If in the future, there is income through our blog we may distribute payments to our volunteers. No promises just yet, at this point we just want to grow and see if anyone is interested in contributing to our blog.
Contact us if you would like to try an article.